Have I mentioned how much Meredith loves to go to daycare? Once she is finished eating her breakfast and sees that her lunch has been made and packed in her special lunchbox, there is no turning back.... She is ready! She insists on carrying her own lunch, and jacket - if necessary, and she will go stand by the garage door in the mudroom to wait (impatiently, I might add), for her driver!! Do I dare say that this is reminiscent of the dog waiting to go on a walk?? (OK - I am just kidding - -nobody turn me in). Seriously, if she wasn't so happy to be picked up in the afternoon, Eric and I have agreed that we might have some serious hurt feelings over this whole scenario!
The other pictures were taken with Meredith's jie jie, Lindsay and her Dalmation, Lexie. They were just hanging out (the 3 girls) playing with some blocks! Good stuff on a Sunday afternoon.