Well here it is just past the middle of December and I find that I haven't posted in over three weeks...... again! There just seems to be so much going on in our busy lives these days that we so easily get caught up in it. Lord knows the economy is a mess and now is truly not a great time to be in the business of finance. Couple that times two and sometimes you get a household that is honestly exhausted, (mentally) when they get home at night! Even though we try very hard to keep our business lives separate, sometimes it is hard not to let things spill over when you are dealing with so many variables like we are right now. With all of that aside, the one thing that remains a positive and a constant source of joy and appreciation in our lives is MEREDITH!!
She is doing great! She is a running, laughing, cheerful bundle of energy that starts and ends each day with a hug and a smile. We are so blessed to have her in our lives and can't imagine life without her.
I am working on our Christmas cards, (at the rate I am going they may be "New Year's cards"). So please do not feel slighted if you haven't received one yet. I am yearning for home-baked goods, but doubt anything much will come from my kitchen this year, and my Mom is moving to Oregon, so count her out.....Hmmmm. Amazing where all of the time goes!!
The picture was taken last weekend at a potluck we attended for all of the China adopted children in our valley - -aren't they all beautiful? It was wonderful getting together with all of the great families and their children.
I hope you all are doing well and are taking time to enjoy the season.
Blessings to all of you!