My fondest memories go back to when I was about 6-7 years old. Quite frankly, I ‘m not sure how I managed to graduate from 1st grade…you see Mom worked part-time and her job required her to leave a few minutes before the school bus picked Mark and I up (right outside our front door)in Wichita. Each day as Mom left she said, “don’t be late, and if you have any problems, call Dee”. Well, Mark never had any problems, but I very conveniently had a “tummy ache” most every morning that Mom worked and Dee had to come pick me up! We would go to the dime store and buy paper dolls or a new book and then go spend the morning together. Sometimes we would bake cookies or hang the laundry outside on the line to dry, but mostly it was just about spending time with Dee! At least until Mom came to pick me up and gave me the ol’ hairy eyeball…..Of course this was never so harsh a punishment that it prevented me from doing it again and again!!
A lot of the other recollections I have revolve around food and sometimes I will smell something that will trigger a memory of Dee and Carl’s home. Soft molasses cookies; homegrown Kansas cucumbers and tomatoes; wintergreen-flavored pink candies; dilly bread. Angel food cake – one time she brought her special bowl and spoon to Colorado in her suitcase so she could make me a cake for my birthday.
Dee saved dimes. She had a stash in her bureau drawer that fascinated me. She kept them in a box right next to her jewelry and when I visited we would check it out.
The baubles and the dimes.
I always thought that maybe she would give me her secret supply one day and then I would be rich!!
She was very independent if not detrimentally stubborn. I think I inherited/learned this trait from her. I would tell her that I am pretty proud of this. My husband isn’t always so thankful!
I always felt that I had a special bond with Dee. Looking back, I have a suspicion that all of her grandchildren, even great-grandchildren felt the same way. That is just the way she was. I think she was a kid at heart and was always comfortable around all of us.
There is so much more…but let me just summarize by saying that…..
“I reckon” this was one special lady that I loved very much!
I’ll never forget you, Dee.